Why I invest: “A difficult diagnosis changed my views on money.”

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Why I invest: “A difficult diagnosis changed my views on money.”

Mensaje por Pepeco »

Priscilla wants to share her newfound knowledge with others. But she doesn’t offer unsolicited advice. “People like to spend money in different ways. Most of my friends are in 2-income households. They’re able to spend more freely. I don’t want to preach to them.”

But if friends and family ask for investment information, she points them to a variety of useful resources. She enjoys helping others, and sharing what she’s learned allows her to do that.

Priscilla knows the value of easing financial stress firsthand. Since she made the shift to being a saver, she loves the sense of freedom that comes from investing.

“After being diagnosed, I realized the importance of enjoying your life. Investing gives me peace of mind, so I can appreciate every day,” she said.
El artículo completo aquí: https://investornews.vanguard/why-i-inv ... -on-money/
"There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult." - Warren Buffet. Hazlo simple.
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